5 Most Important Type of Photos For Your Website


What are the 5 most important photos you need for your website?

If you’re building or updating your website, you might be thinking about the types of photos you will be needing to complete it.

Your website is your client’s first impression of you. It is your online resume that serves as the gateway for potential clients and customers to learn more about your business so that they can buy from you. That’s why it’s extremely important to incorporate photos that not only tell the story of your brand, but also properly represent your mission and values.

If you’re updating or creating your website, here are the top five things you should think about when it comes to your photos:

1) Decide on your “hero image” for your homepage. It takes 3 seconds for someone to make a first impression. That’s why the large cover photo homepage layout is so popular right now - you can’t miss it, and it serves as your first impression! This cover photo is probably the most important photo on your website. We like to call it the “hero image” - meaning that it should be the image that portrays your service or product as the hero! The answer to your client’s needs! A professional branding photographer can help you figure out what type of photo you want as your hero image.

2) Always include an updated portrait of yourself in your “About Me/Us” page. No more cell phone selfies! The next page that people visit is your About Me/Us page. People want to know your story and why you started your business because people LOVE stories. So it’s really important to have an updated portrait of yourself or your team here. And make sure to make eye contact with the camera - this has been proven to create more of a connection with your audience.

3) Distinguish horizontal vs. vertical images. If you already know the layout of your website and how many horizontal photos versus vertical photos you need, then great! But if you are not sure, please take the time to figure this out. You can schedule a branding session and receive a ton of beautiful images, but if you don’t have a horizontal image for your cover photo, then it’s not going to look right! Make sure you go over these details with your branding photographer so that they know exactly what you need.

4) Make sure you have a photo that represents each one of your services or products. If you’re a product-based business, then you’ll be needing a photo of each product so that you can sell them. If you provide a service-based business, then you’ll be needing photos of you working with your clients or in action doing business. These images help your audience see what it’s like to work with you, or what it’s like to use your products.

5) Quality over quantity! So many businesses use generic stock photos on their websites, and it can really turn potential clients off. They want to see what it’s like to use your products or work with you, and if they are being bombarded with stock photos that don’t evoke any sort of emotion or empathy, then you are not going to be able to stand out as the leader in your industry. It’s always better to have fewer quality and customized images versus a bunch of generic stock photos.

At the end of the day, you will need to hire a professional branding photographer to help you create photos for your website. And as always, we can help with that! Let’s work together to get your website up and running so that you can start growing your business!

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