How to Mix Your Instagram Feed with Professional Branding Photos & Cell Phone Photos

How do I properly mix professional branding photos and cell phone photos on my Instagram feed and still look professional?

This is a common question we receive.

Because let’s face it: sometimes it’s just impossible to fill your entire IG grid with only professional images. Maybe you don’t have as much variety as you want, or you just want to show up as yourself and feel a little more authentic. No problem! Honestly, there really is no official rule to this because you can ultimately do whatever you want! It’s your grid! However, if you want some guidelines, here are some easy tips you can follow:

  • 70% professional images & 30% cell phone images.

  • Follow a “checkered” pattern.

    Yup, that’s it.

This method in general provides a good balance on your business account while allowing you to be flexible if you don’t always have a professional image on hand AND still presenting yourself off as a professional!

Here’s a visual example of a grid following the guidelines. As you can see, there is a mix of images following the 70%/30% tip, outlined in a general checkered-pattern. This naturally feels balancing to the eye and looks great:

Copy of Copy of Untitled Design.png

And there you have it! You don’t have to have all professional images on your Instragram grid. Finding a good balance between cell phone images and professional ones can make your page look amazing.

Michelle Fiorello