Vision Balm® - Product & Brand Photographer/Videographer

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5 Tips for Your First Personal Branding Photoshoot

Looking for some tips for your first personal branding photoshoot?

If you’ve never hired a branding photographer before, you are in for a real treat!

The beauty of a personal branding photoshoot session is that it is truly catered to your brand. You don’t just show up on the day of the photoshoot to take a few photos and BAM, you’re done. A personal branding photoshoot involves a lot of prep work, and if you have hired the right branding photographer, they will have really gotten to know you well enough to take images that emulate your brand.

If this is your first personal branding photoshoot, here are few tips you should know that will help make it easier for you:

  1. Know your brand colors/palette before you sign up for your first personal branding photoshoot.

    It’s not a necessity, but having your color palette established before your first branding photoshoot will: (a) prevent you from having to get new photos done in a few months because you decided that your brand colors are changing and (b) keep your photos in line with your overall brand mood and aesthetic. You don’t want to wear black to your photoshoot if your brand is all about being inviting, warm, and happy.

  2. Create a Pinterest board to send to your branding photographer before your personal branding shoot.

    Do you have a specific vision in mind for your images? Tell us! Photographers are visual people, so send us images that you both love and hate. Even better - make a Pinterest board with these images and send it to us. You will thank me later! Not only does this make it clear for your photographer what you like and dislike, it also gets you thinking about what you really want. Don’t skip this step please! It’s super important.

  3. Get comfortable with knowing your body and what sides are your good sides, what poses you like, etc.

    We all have our insecurities. Trust me when I say that you are not the only person who feels uncomfortable in front of the camera. And even though I will help make you feel comfortable and let loose, you may find it helpful to think about these things so that we can talk about it pre-shoot. I always like to ask my clients: “Do you have any angles that you like best? What side of you do you not like in photos? What do you want people to see most of?” If you don’t know the answers to these questions, no problem! I will show you your images in the camera during your photoshoot, which gives you a better feel for what you don’t like and like. Problem solved!

  4. Plan your outfits at least two weeks in advance before your branding shoot date!

    Those who procrastinate on this one always regret it. Nine times out of ten, you will look through your wardrobe the night before and realize that you have nothing that you actually want to wear or feel looks good on you. Or, maybe you do find something you like, but the next day when you put it on, it does not look the same way that you thought it would. By choosing your outfits a few weeks in advance, you have time to think about it, change your mind, and also make sure that the clothes fit properly. I will say that outfits can really make or break your photos (see below), so please choose them ahead of time. And if you are my client, you always have the option to send me a photo of your outfits to get my opinion on them.

  5. Schedule a makeup appointment.

    You know how they say that people always seem to look 10 pounds heavier on camera than they do in real life? This applies to makeup as well, but in the opposite way. Makeup in person does not look as “heavy” on camera. A thick smokey eye or a little extra blush will look more natural on camera than it does in person. Makeup artists also know what looks good on camera, so book that makeup appointment and treat yourself for the day!

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